Name: Kirk, James Tiberius Rank: Captain Born: 2233 Origin: Human Place of Birth: Riverside, Iowa, Earth Assignment: U.S.S Enterprise NCC-1701-A Last Ship: U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701 Academy Class: 2254 98th Percentile Achievements: Commendation for original thinking, 2255; Palm Leaf of Axanar Peace Mission; Grankite Order of Tactics (Class of Excellence); Preantares Ribbon of Commendation (Classes First and Second); Medal of Honor; Silver Palm with Cluster; Starfleet Citation for Conspicuous Bravery; Kragite Order of Heroism Earned rare privilege of starship duty as a first-year cadet with brevet rank of ensign, aboard U.S.S. Republic, under command of Fleet Captain Garth. Aboard Republic, Kirk reported an error by crewmate Benjamin Finney that Finney believed cost him a promotion. Participated in peace mission to Axanar following victory there by Captain Garth; Kirk received Palm Leaf of Axanar for his role. In 2250, returned to Starfleet Academy; student instructor, 2253-54. Only cadet to beat the "no-win" Kobayashi Maru scenario by reprogramming simulation, earning him commendation for original thinking. Graduated from Academy as lieutenant, 2254, posted to U.S.S. Farragut under Captain Joseph Garrovick. Participated in planet survey on Tyree's Planet, 2254; in 2257 encountered "vampire cloud" near Tycho IV that killed Captain Garrovick and 200 shipmates. Promoted to captain of U.S.S. Enterprise (NCC-1701), 2263. Youngest captain in Starfleet to that date, age 31. Embarked on five-year exploration mission, 2264. Made first contact and established diplomatic relations with numerous worlds. In 2267, court-martialed for causing death of Enterprise records officer Benjamin Finney, 2267. Cleared of charges when Finney discovered actually alive. Five-year mission ended 2269; Kirk promoted to admiral in charge of fleet operations; in 2271 regained command of Enterprise to thwart V'Ger, relieving Will Decker. Following V'Ger Crisis, commanded Enterprise on a second five-year exploration mission. In 2281, retired from Starfleet, returned in 2284 as Starfleet Academy Instructor. During Genesis Crisis, 2285, resumed Enterprise command to thwart Khan Noonian Singh’s attempt to steal experimental Genesis device. Later that year, Kirk and crew hijacked Enterprise to recover from Geneis planet the regenerated body of Captain Spock, who had died during Genesis crisis. Enterprise destroyed. Kirk charged with 9 violations of Starfleet regulations. All but one charge dropped. Kirk demoted to Captain. En route from Vulcan with resurrected Spock in a Klingon bird-of-prey, Kirk and crew traveled to 20th Century Earth to recover extinct cetaceans to counter destructive effects of alien probe in 2286. Federation Council, in gratitude, gave Kirk command of new Enterprise, NCC-1701-A. In 2293, Kirk participated in early peace negotiations with Klingon Empire. Framed for assassination of Klingon High Chancellor Gorkon. Imprisoned on Klingon gulag Rura Penthe, escaped and saved Federation president from assassination attempt at Khitomer. Retired in 2293. In 2293, Kirk believed killed when energy ribbon damaged U.S.S. Enterprise-B (NCC-1701-B) at its christening. Kirk found alive in 2271 in other-dimensional Nexus by Captain Jean-Luc Picard. Assisted Picard in saving Veridian III from destruction by Dr. Tolian Soran. Family: Son, David, (deceased 2285); brother, George Samuel, sister-in-law, Aurelan, (both deceased 2267); nephews, Peter, Stephen, and Thomas Interests: Free-climbing; camping and other outdoor sports, equestrian sports,classic literature, three-dimensional chess